Seminar Local energy communities : a win for all in the energy transition

Local energy communities : a win for all in the energy transition

Local energy communities are at the forefront of the Energy Transition in Europe and in the Alpine regions. While Member States are in the process of transposing the RESII directive into national laws, several initiatives are being launched to support the creation of local energy communities providing various types of energy services.

The seminar will take place on November 17th from 10 am to 12 pm, in Lyon and online. It aims at presenting concrete initiatives in Alpine territories and discuss key opportunities and challenges. Based on the findings of the ALPGRIDS Alpine Space project, a roundtable discussion will address policy gaps and reflect on supportive policy measures and instruments. It is mainly intended to all institutions, stakeholders and researchers directly or indirectly involved in local energy communities.

fifth annual conference on energy transition

The SUERA Action Group 9, co-lead by AURA-EE and CasaClima, in the framework of the French Presidency of EUSALP, is organizing the fifth annual conference on energy transition in the Alps. It will be divided into three separate seminars on hot topics in energy and sustainability on regional and transnational level: hydrogen as an energy vector in transport, local energy communities, and the perspectives of the new European Bauhaus for a carbon-neutral future.