ENERGEE WATCH - Facilitate the setting-up of regional energy observatories

ENERGee WATCH is a highly participatory project with the main aim to engage and foster collaboration among network of local and regional authorities for the entire process of collecting, monitoring and verifying the data related to the implementation of sustainable energy and climate plans.

Peer to peer learning in regional and local authorities to define, monitor and verify their sustainable actions

Public authorities have varying levels of knowledge, skills and capacity for sustainable energy solutions. As such, it is important to meet diverse needs of different public authorities and strengthen collaboration and engagement among them.

Also, the policies for monitoring and verification are often formed on national level and cities often times do not have the capacity for setting up proper MRV - Monitoring, Reporting and Verification - practices and do not properly monitor impact of their policies and implemented actions.

Beyond benchmarking their performances and sharing of best practices, the project ENERGee WATCH seeks to enable them to make more marketable projects with proper measurement and verification applied to their planned and ongoing projects.


At AURA-EE, the ENERGee WATCH project has enabled us to share, with many European organanisations, our expertise in data visualisation. One such tool that we have developed over many years is TerriSTORY®, an online data visualisation and territorial planning tool. To learn more, please watch our informative video, partly-financed by the ENERGee WATCH project.

An overview of TerriSTORY® in 2 minutes

This video was partly funded by the European project Energee Watch which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement N°892089

Towards a European network of regional energy observatories

Current methodologies used to observe GHG emissions are based on international standards (GIEC and Corinair) and national methodologies, rather than on European-wide methodologies. There is a need for further standardization between observatories in order to allow comparisons between European territories and methodologies. The creation of a European network will therefore give the regions the opportunity to achieve this standardisation, to share experiences and to improve together.

ENERGee WATCH aims at sharing experiences between regional / local public authorities in the field of energy and GHG inventory, and between GHG monitoring organisations on:

  • How to set up a local observatory and involve local actors;
  • Comparing existing monitoring methodologies and processes;
  • Existing partnership agreements for data collection and dissemination;
  • Comparing and evaluating existing tools
  • Compliance with European directives (Inspire: environmental data exchange, etc. )

ENERGee WATCH consortium

[updated in January 2023]