European Sustainable Energy Week: Going green and digital for Europe’s energy transition
Join the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe !
This year, EUSEW focuses on the theme of 'Going green and digital for Europe's energy transition'. The agenda includes a series of activities aimed at building a secure energy future for Europe.
Going from 26 to 30 September, the event will be in a hybrid format. The main highlights of the agenda that you might be interested in include:
- the European Sustainable Energy Awards Ceremony
- Several policy conferences on energy communities
- A policy conference on how to mobilise LIFE investments
- hybrid Energy Fair showcasing innovative projects on sustainable energy
- Energy Talks about new ideas in clean energy (onsite attendance only).
You can also check out EUSEW's extended program: a series of online conferences that take place the week before the official lauch of the conference, with subjects ranging from energy poverty to energy communities, RepowerEU, the Renovation wave... Click here for more information.
As every year, AURA-EE team will be around, so if you want to meet, do not hesitate contacting us !