South Tyrol and Trentino take over the EUSALP 2022 Presidency
South Tyrol and Trentino will jointly take over the presidency of the European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) in 2022. Presidents Maurizio Fugatti and Arno Kompatscher both welcomed the endorsement of the candidacy by the Executive Board. The candidacy now has to be officially endorsed by the General Assembly.
"The two Autonomous Provinces will represent EUSALP on behalf of Italy and, in view of a manifesto that we will present to all the territories involved in the strategy for the Alpine space at the beginning of our presidential term, we will intercept together the main topics, declining them for future strategies."
Arno Kompatscher, President of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano
Achievements & outputs
REDIAFOR (Sept 2019 - May 2021)
Rediafor was a European project which aimed at supporting the cross-cutting actions of the macro-alpine strategy and the EU Forestry strategy. Indeed, this project was initiated by the Task Force "Multifunctional Forests and Sustainable Use of Timber" that gather EUSALP Action Groupe members in a transversal approach of alpine forests. REDIAFOR's activities to improve dialogue meet the strategic communication objectives of the "Alpine Climate Target System 2050". In other words, the main objective was to strengthen the dialogue between forest stakeholders in order to overcome potential tensions in forest use. Its deliverables are still available, including posters, explanatory videos and training sessions for conflicts management on cross-sectoral forest issues.

Alparc session at the IUCN World Congress
At a parallel session into the IUCN World Congress, Antoine Patte (AG2 member) who works at the Communes Forestières AURA, on behalf of the French Presidency, presented the outputs of the Task Force MFSUT on the operational contribution to the Multifunctionality of Forests and the major issues of the latter for the Alpine Region.
Upcoming events
- From 5 to 8 October, the French presidency of EUSALP will be offering a series of face-to-face and virtual meetings in Grenoble. It will combine conferences, meetings and field visits.
- On 6 October, an Executive Board meeting will take place on the slopes of the Chartreuse Regional Nature Park.
- On 7 October, a European summit on the theme of cooperation between cities, valleys and mountains to reach carbon neutrality will be held. This event will be a precursor to the thematic year of Grenoble as European Green Capital 2022.
- On 8 October, a joint EB-BAGL session will take place in the Grenoble Bastille.