Fostering innovation and collaboration in energy agencies: AURA-EE hosts european partners for a shadow visit in Lyon


As part of the ManagEnergy project, AURA-EE hosted six European partners from FEDARENE, Arpae Emilia-Romagna, Agencia Provincial de la Energía de Cádiz (APEC), Gobierno de Navarra and ALEC du Pays de Rennes, in Lyon (France), during a shadow visit that took place on October 22 and 23.

The aim is to allow participants to meet particularly innovative regional energy agencies to get an overview of their structure and activities.

The AURA-EE team led several information sessions:

  • Financing an energy agency: feedback from AURA-EE experience, internal organization due to multiple financers - Didier Chateau, Director
  • Developing « key products/service »: feedback from AURA-EE on 10 years of Centrales villageoises and the AURACLE network - Naomi Levannier
  • Developing renovation of public buildings: one stop shop approach - Rogelio Bonilla
  • Developing « key products/service»:  energy data for public authorities and TerriSTORY, the data visualisation tool developed by AURA-EE - Pierrick Yalamas
  • Developing combined approaches with other stakeholders: the “programme de proximité” - Paul Dupas
  • Managing a team of 45 people: internal organization and communication - Stéphanie Marquet and Christine Carmona 

As a conclusion to the visit, partners shared their reflections about key lessons they learned during the information sessions, the steps forward for each agency and possible ways to enhance the cooperation with AURA-EE.

A very positive experience for both the agency and the partners, allowing AURA-EE to share its expertise and address the needs and questions of all participants!