A strategy based on seven priorities
The French presidency aims at accelerating the ecological transition of the Alpine region in order to act against climate change. To achieve this, its roadmap is divided into seven priorities and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region is the leader for three of them: developing year-round sustainable tourism, promoting the consumption of local products and the short circuits and speeding up the energy transition. The other guiding principles are: developing sustainable mobility, educating and involving young people in the sustainable development, preserving the biodiversity and preventing the natural risks and, finally, improving the governance.

Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region:"We are facing a twofold challenge in the Alps that is our responsibility: globalisation, which favours metropolises to the detriment of peripheral and rural areas, and climate change, linked to the fast warming in the Alps and the melting of our glaciers. EUSALP is a good level of action, large enough and close enough to allow agility and acting in a concrete way." |
France also engages for the following principles: participation of the various stakeholders (local authorities, European project leaders, authorities in charge of European funds, NGOs, civil society); cohesion, by integrating all types of territories in the actions carried out by EUSALP and by encouraging cooperation between cities, valleys and mountains; youth, by directing its actions towards young people and encouraging their participation; and concrete action with tangible results.
Jacqueline Gourault, Minister of Territorial Cohesion:"The EUSALP, created in Grenoble in 2013, is the scene of an unprecedented, reinforced cooperation between all stakeholders." |

Serge Nocodie, president of AURA-EE:"It is a real chance for Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to preside over EUSALP, which has always been a driving force on the issues of energy and environment. We are at a crucial moment when it is urgent to provide data to the territories. This is the purpose of the Alpine energy observatory that will be able to supply EUSALP." |

AURA-EE is co-leader of Action Group 9 "Making the Alps a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energies". The Alpgov2 project (Interreg Alpine Space), in which AURA-EE is a partner and whose official launch will take place on Wednesday 5 February at the Region, will implement actions in favour of these objectives.
The territory of SUERA in a few figures :