As part of the Alpine Space X-RISK-CC project, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Energy Environment Agency (AURA-EE) and PARN (alpine natural risks center) gave stakeholders from the Arly joint watershed association the chance to talk about preparing for extreme risks linked to climate change and crisis management.
Meeting on 6 February in Ugine (Savoie), the 23 participants carried out a rapid assessment of their knowledge of the existing system and discussed the region's strengths and weaknesses.
What emerges is a major need for dialogue between stakeholders, from the prefectural authorities to the general public, to ensure effective action and assumption of responsibility at all levels.

Analysing and learning from recent events
On the basis of feedback from storm Eleanor in 2018, and more broadly from recent flooding events in the autumn, the participants made a number of recommendations that they will be able to pursue further:
- Bringing the municipal safeguard plan (risk management action plan in the event of extreme events) to life.
- Capitalising on the results of successful experiments.
- Working with residents.
- Facilitating contact between elected representatives and residents.
- Capitalising on the memory of our elders.
- Facilitate responsiveness and the assumption of local responsibility, which procedures can sometimes slow down.
- Building skills together and trusting each other.
- Organise a "climate risks" citizens' reserve.
- Developing tools and a new representation of risk.
- Identify the risks associated with people and their actions.
- Finding the right way to maintain watercourses while respecting the riverbed.
The aim of the X-RISK-CC project (Interreg Alpine Space) is to develop and implement improved risk management practices and ways of adapting to enable territories to cope better with compound and cascading extreme events, and to increase their resilience in the face of climate change, at the scale of the Alps.
Promoting regional dialogue
In the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the project will enable AURA-EE and PARN to contribute to the debate on adapting to climate change, based on the experience of the players involved, and in particular the new risks in mountain areas and the measures to be strengthened in these conditions. This reflection will feed into the productions and tools of the resource centre for territories in transition, and will facilitate dialogue between stakeholders in the Arly watershed, which has been chosen as a pilot territory.
This meeting will be followed by a number of others to reinforce the request from local players to join the GIRN (integrated natural risk management) initiative led by PARN, and to help strengthen their risk management system in the context of climate change.
The X-RISK-CC project is an opportunity to envisage a new representation of risks: many risks may be concurrent, and human intervention and development may be called into question more often. It also encourages local dialogue, a key factor in risk management.
Find out more about the X-Risk-CC project
The X-RISK-CC project aims to develop and implement improved risk management practices and adaptation options to enable regions to cope better with X-RISK-CC events and increase their resilience to climate change, at the scale of the Alps.
In the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the project will enable AURA-EE and PARN to draw on the experience of the players involved to enrich the debate on adapting to climate change, in particular the new risks in mountain areas and the measures that need to be strengthened in these conditions. This reflection will feed into the productions and tools of the resource centre for territories in transition, and will facilitate dialogue between players in the Arly watershed, which has been chosen as a pilot territory.