CERVINO aims at facilitating energy data exchange in the Alpine space in order to optimise decision-making processes, thanks to a data collection, managment, update and exploitation tool.
Drawing up an energy profile for the Alpine region
Knowledge of the region's energy consumption and production is essential for the implementation of public policies that best meet regional, national and European energy objectives.
Thanks to the CERVINO project, data concerning the energy transition in the Alpine regions can be freely consulted via an interactive data visualization tool - Cervino, Alpine energy data platform.
A tool using TerriSTORY® open source code
As part of the CERVINO project, AURA-EE was responsible for deploying the data management and visualization interface. This tool was developed using the open source code of TerriSTORY®, a partnership tool designed by AURA-EE and already in use in 6 French regions. While TerriSTORY® can be used to visualize data on energy, climate, mobility, waste, etc., the version developed for CERVINO focuses on the energy profile of regions in the Alpine region. a simplified version
CERVINO was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, as part of the Interreg Alpine Space program.

Welcome to CERVINO, alpine enery data platform
A project incubated by EUSALP
In 2017, the “Action Group 9 Energy” of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), of which AURA-EE is co-leader, carried out an energy survey across all 48 EUSALP regions, in order to collect data and draw up a consolidated energy profile of the macro-region for the first time.
In 2019, this survey was partially updated. Now, thanks to CERVINO, this data has again been updated, its collection is semi-automated, and the CERVINO platform enables the data to be visualized and managed.
This makes it easier for EUSALP and its constituent territories to draw up their energy profiles, set targets and guide their policies.
Project activities
CERVINO is run by a consortium of 5 partners, research centers and energy agencies from different Alpine regions. Activities included
- Restructuring and improvement of the “Energy data” survey previously carried out in 2017 and 2019
- Development by EURAC Research of a web interface for data collection: cervino.eurac.edu
- Development by AURA-EE of a web interface for data visualization and energy profiling of EUSALP regions: www.alpine-energy-data.eu
- Development of a roadmap to ensure the tool's sustainability
European project partners
- IRE Liguria - Energy Agency of Liguria (Italy)
- Energiewende Oberland - Civic Foundation for the Energy Transition of the Oberland (Germany)
- KSSENA - Energy Agency of the Regions of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška (Slovenia)
[Last update - July 2024]