Energy saving solutions for people and territories on the fringes of mobility
Winner of a call for proposals launched by the Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition in 2018, PEnD-Aura+ brings together 17 regional partners alongside AURA-EE: local authorities and actors related to travel and integration in the territories. The objective of the program is to provide an innovative response, on a territorial scale, unparalleled until now, to the mobility need of people on the fringes of mobility, while reducing the impact on the region’s territories, particularly at the periphery of urban areas and in rural or sparsely populated areas.
Mobility is related to many economic and environmental issues, as it is the first source of greenhouse gas emissions in France and in the regions (30% of the final energy consumption), but it is also linked to social aspects: in France, 7 million people have difficulties to travel. |
Multiplying the responses to populations
PEnD-Aura+ is the continuation of a first experimental program launched in 2016, PEnD-Aura, that accompanied 4,000 people in a situation of fuel poverty in terms of travel and raised the awareness of 30,000 persons. It also allowed to identify the obstacles and levers of various initiatives for mobility for all, that had been implemented in the territories.
Ensure the sustainability of the actions
AURA-EE will seek to ensure the sustainability of the regional support provided and of the actions implemented by the partners beyond the end of the program, in 2021. For this purpose, it is important to find different financing sources, other than energy savings certificates.
Among the proposed actions, there is the development of services concerning cycling, car-sharing, transport on demand or organised car sharing. Also, an important work is made to stimulate and accompany a behaviour change, by raising awareness, trainings and communication towards the general public and social prescribers.
PEnD-Aura+ aims to develop actions towards a much broader target: 600,000 people who are isolated and excluded from existing travel solutions (elderly people, young persons without vehicle, people with disabilities, but more generally any public in areas without public transport services adapted to everyday needs. The project has a budget of 6 million euros, 100% financed by energy saving certificates and the commitment of two companies: Total and Petrovex.
The stakes are high for all the partners. First of all, the objective is to provide an operational response for the inhabitants to enable them to get to their activities. AURA-EE mobilises significant resources to strengthen local teams, by providing several persons who support the activities of the PEnD-Aura+ partners. Also, the challenge is to define the conditions for the sustainability of local actions.
The partners