C-TRACK 50 - Putting regions on track for carbon neutrality

Improve energy planning processes

The C-TRACK 50 project aims to improve energy planning processes and enable local authorities to develop, finance and implement ambitious climate-energy plans, in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

The project involves 11 partner countries and aims to strengthen cooperation between the different levels of governance: local, regional, national and European (through the organisation of a series of round tables and bilateral exchanges), to improve the technical skills of local authorities in integrated energy planning and climate policy and also to support, at local and regional level, the development and financing of climate-energy action plans.

Work together for a carbon-neutral energy future in 2050

In order to develop cooperation between the national, regional and local levels, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement organised three meetings with the Directorate General for Energy and Climate (DGEC) on the territorialisation of the National Low Carbon Strategy. These meetings provided an opportunity to discuss the plans implemented or to be implemented at the national and regional level. In addition, these encounters allowed to find greater coherence between the different energy policies and to work concretely on effort distribution at local level and stakeholder involvement at all levels.

In the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, 10 local authorities are supported by AURA-EE. With the help of TerriSTORY®, the agency analyses the long-term strategies of territories and assesses the impact of their actions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption.



[Updated: July 2019]