Apply now to the 2nd edition of the peer learning programme mentored by energy agencies!
Deadline : March 11, 2022
4 Courses to choose from:
1 : Energy Data collection (acquisition and treatment)
2: Monitoring, Reporting, Verification: follow up on implementation of actions
3: Indicators and strategies on adaptation to Climate Change
4: Data display, dissemination and validation by end users
Programme's description : Your energy agency, city or region face some challenges in its energy and climate data collection, monitoring, processing or communication?
Experienced energy agencies will tutor their peers (energy agencies, regions, cities) through a comprehensive capacity-building programme already tested and validated during the 1st edtition.
The peer learning programme will be carried out in English, free of charge, and travel expenses will be reimbursed up to 600 EUR per person per organisation. The core programme should last from 4 to 6 months. Additional peer review webinars (step 3) will be organised for interested participants.
The Energee watch project is run by a consortium of energy agencies from Alba (RO), Auvergne-Rhone Alpes (FR), Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford (IE) Cyprus (CY), Ile de France (FR), Plovdiv (BG), Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška (SI) led by the Energy and Climate Policy Stichting (IEECP), supported by the University of Piraeus Research Center (EL) and FEDARENE (BE).
The overall aim of ENERGee WATCH is to develop and execute a complete and easily replicable peer to peer learning program to build the capacity of more than 70 energy agencies, regions and cities in the EU